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for gifts, mindfulness, comfort, and outdoor inspirations. Gift wrapping and gift baskets available.

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My Purpose

My purpose is to get things out of my head that keep me up at night, drive me crazy, create stress, or make me want to scream at people. I have good ideas, crazy ideas, bad ideas and certainly meaningless ones. This blog is what it is, and I don’t claim to be an expert on anything. I just take what life throws at me and try to make sense of it. I am a problem solver, and handle adversity pretty damn well. I don’t expect people to like, appreciate, or even care what I have to say, but if they get something they’re looking for, then so be it. So love or hate it, here it is. I mean no harm in anything I do or say, as I really do love people and want them to live their fullest life. I’m just a gal, who could be a country bumkin, and is just trying to make sense of life as she sees it.




Southwestern Pennsylvania

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What You Do

There may be extensive rambling along the way in my blog as well as ramblings when I’m actually traveling around! We all reach a point in our life when it’s time to ramble on I guess. In the words of Led Zeppelin, although I much prefer Anastacia’s version of this song, as she sings: “Ah, sometimes I grow so tired, but I know I’ve got one thing I got to do, ramble on, and now’s the time, the time is now to sing my song.” Ramble has a dual meaning: walk for pleasure, typically without a defined route or to talk or write in an inconsequential way. I plan to do both here if I can. And maybe, just maybe, along the way, the ramblings won’t be so confused and without purpose, but will emerge into something meaningful.


Tell Your Story

For those who maybe knew me as a child, I loved to read stories, write stories, and maybe tell them. Through the years, I’ve written down stories, tossed them away, started new stories, but never completed one. As we all know, life takes over and there are more persistent at tasks at hand. Better late than never I say! Here we go!

Explain Your Mission

My mission is simple: get the thoughts on paper, try to make sense of them, and share what I’ve written.


Describe Your Brand

An individual born between 1965-1980 is considered to be Generation X. There are diversions to these years as some sources say as early as 1960 and ending between 1977 and 1985. The one truth is, “we’re not millenials, and we’re not baby boomers, we’re GenXers.” And we do have something to say…..or at least we think we do.



"That’s what I love about you the most…you see things in the big picture."

- deb t.



Let's Chat

Have a comment or an idea you’d like to share? Want to tell me to shut up? Whatever it is, let’s chat about it! (unless you’re just going to be downright rude, then maybe not lol)